June 18, 2010
Nutshell journal
- Dez Vylenz
Catching up here on the blog. Thanks for your emails and complaints about not updating enough and writing about my whereabouts and projects. By now you know I’m not an active onine blogger, twitterer, Arsebook follower and so on, too much is happening in the real physical world.
A supercompressed overview of what’s been going in since March:
March: London meetings and development on the features. Hustling and bustling for funding, which is proving increasingly hard with so much uncertainty in the industry whether any money can be recuperated with so much piracy, downloading and free content available.
First week March: Amsterdam to sort out translastions and business plans for clients.
Middle March: Plane to Suriname, back to sweltering heat and tropical rains.
Then end March- April: Scouting locations and crew, more corporate consultancy work. More rain, more pre-production. On the move, observing, researching. Martial Arts training sessions with special police forces scheduled, election hype going on, entrepreneurs starting new interesting business endeavours.
April-May: When the weather cleared up I was busy shooting corporate films which is material I can’t post (client confidentiality), lots of activities involving heavy port equipment. I’ll try to update stuff more often, but prefer to present material when it’s finished as a completed canvas, not all the little sketches in between. And any extra time I’d rather spend on writing, a script is now completed and am working on a book that will take at least a year or more. But I’m pleased with the founding material and the literary voice, which I found in 2009.
Fiction film on a low ember for now.
However, I did shoot a trailer for my next feature film and once the material is edited I will post the link and stills. Was a very intense shoot over a week in Suriname, both jungle and urban locations, different characters, fight scenes etc, all packed in 2 minutes. When Sander the cameraman-editor returns to The Netherlands we’ll sit down and finish it.
Finally back in London now, new horizons and new directions. And the World Cup to distract. Lots of mediocre plays, no players or teams that have so far shown hard graft and excellence. Sounds like the current state of cinema.