Another day of football drama. Ghana nearly wrote history, Gyan worked hard but again failed to take his time, focus on the moment and keep that sharp Eye of the Tiger and propel the first African nation to a semi-final. But it’s a hard game and 100 minutes of playing on that size of field […]
June 25, 2010
World Cup Fever
- Dez Vylenz
So far this World Cup has been full of surprises. Plenty of boring games in the first rounds, especially since I’m not a big football or sports fan. But I do enjoy seeing excellence, in whatever field that may be. We all want to see somebody, whether it’s an artist or athlete excell, push themselves […]
June 18, 2010
Nutshell journal
- Dez Vylenz
Catching up here on the blog. Thanks for your emails and complaints about not updating enough and writing about my whereabouts and projects. By now you know I’m not an active onine blogger, twitterer, Arsebook follower and so on, too much is happening in the real physical world. A supercompressed overview of what’s been going […]
February 10, 2010
Belated Best Wishes for 2010
- Dez Vylenz
Dear All, Been toiling away in semi-solitary mode, writing and working on various projects. New material developing together with long running ideas and structures, so I haven’t updated this blog again for a while. I’ll start with the whole Twitter thing soon when the whole archive is transferred to the new WordPress system. But first […]
December 16, 2009
The Shadowsnake X-mas shopping list for 2009
- Dez Vylenz
Mind-expanding books I’d highly recommend: Genghis Khan: And the Making of the Modern World by Jack Weatherford Then Kodansha International bring out a great range of small hardcovers on Eastern Philosophy and classics: The Lone Samurai: The Life of Miyamoto Musashi by William Scott Wilson A fascinating account of an artist in the purest sense […]
November 25, 2009
Development Hell / Rambo is a pussy
- Dez Vylenz
25th Nov 1975: Suriname became independent from The Netherlands. The colonial age was over. Incredible, time moves on relentlessly with no quarter like a train drilling into the night. Been nearly 2 months since I updated this journal. What happened since then? More business, more routines, more travels. Mid Sept Zagreb in Croatia to meet […]
September 9, 2009
Special 360 Limited
- Dez Vylenz
I’ve been incommunicado for a while again, transmission faltering in the middle of the storms of business, avalanches of paper and swamps of development hell. Film business is a bitch and then you shoot. Good thing that there are the mystical mountains of martial arts to meditate the body and mind back to silence in […]
July 23, 2009
Crime movies and classic books
- Dez Vylenz
What’s new? More swine flu panic, more mediocre comedy and horror movies on release. Went to see Public Enemies by Michael Mann. Had higher expectations since I enjoyed Heat, but this all felt a bit dry. Scene to scene, good enjoyable action, but no real sense of context of the times. Nothing really visible of […]
June 26, 2009
Addendum on The King of Pop
- Dez Vylenz
When I wrote, sordid fallout of plastic surgery, I meant that a number of professional surgeons noted later that they would not have taken Jackson’s money and the ones that did not warn him of the consequences clearly had no ethics. At present there still is no regulation and plastic surgery is now as common […]
June 25, 2009
The King of Pop is Dead
- Dez Vylenz
Been back in London a week now, with again too many projects sailing around me. Was just on a business call to the USA when a friend got a text message on the other side saying somebody had sms-ed him: Michael Jackson is Dead. I said I’d check it later to see if it was […]