October 22, 2008
Lifechanging Advice
- Dez Vylenz
We’ve been absent from the weblogs for a while. As mentioned before, I’m writing mostly longhand and working on new fiction material, so staying away from the computer as much as I can, except for the essential business.
Some turbulent times, monetary systems imploding, recession, depression, if you have to believe the newspaper headlines we’re in for doom by Christmas. Who gives a damn anyway? Well, those with lots of money (or better said numbers, abstractions) in bank accounts, stock markets and what not.
I read in the local paper here in London that Haringey Council has lost £ 37 million in Iceland bank, although their investment limit in any institution is £ 20 million. The other local paper had on the cover: 63% of children in Haringey live in poverty. Now what the fuck is £ 37 million of my (and scores of tax payers’) money doing in a savings account when schools, special programs and subsidies should have been boosting living standards for kids.
It’s sickening. Maybe the whole system should collapse, so governments finally have to admit that they haven’t been doing their job, but merely skimming off money or allowing it to happen.
Anyway, 30 September The Mindscape of Alan Moore was released in the USA and Canada by The Disinformation Company. Much of what’s going on in the world right now is also part of the film, which fortunately is available in brick and mortar stores and not just on the Internet.
So my bold advice for October is: Buy The Mindscape of Alan Moore and VOTE OBAMA!
Those two decisions will definitely change your life ; )